Dental Emergencies
What are Dental Emergencies?
A dental emergency can cause you pain and severe discomfort. Oftentimes, emergencies come out of nowhere regardless of how well you care for your teeth. We can provide you and your family with quality emergency care at your own convenience. We are able to handle emergencies of all kinds and welcome you into our office regardless of whether or not you’re a current patient.
Why would treatment of Dental Emergencies be needed?
If you don’t treat an emergency right away, it can and will eventually get worse. Over time, the pain and discomfort that you’re experiencing can become excruciating, getting in the way of living a normal life. The tooth or area may even become infected, which can cause the need for more extensive treatment. This is why we advise our patients to come into the office as soon as you notice there’s a problem.
What are some common Dental Emergencies?
We see a wide range of different emergencies on a regular basis. Our office is equipped to handle a vast majority of these emergencies. Some of these may include:
- Pain and toothache
- Infections and abscesses
- Gum bleeding and swelling
- Broken or cracked teeth
- Broken or lost restorations and appliances
- Orthodontic or surgical emergencies
- Issues with sensitivity
What can be expected during Dental Emergency treatment?
You will be seated in one of our comfortable operatories. We will then ask you about the problem and take x-rays as needed. We will perform an examination to further identify the problem and to create a personalized treatment plan. We will provide you with treatment as needed before you leave the office. This can help you to get back to living your life normally without the pain and discomfort that you’ve been feeling. If you have an infection, we’ll typically prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection before any treatment is done in the office.
If you would like to come into our office for emergency treatment, call us today so that we can further assist you and schedule you with an appointment right away.